Tuesday 10th September 2024


The Missouri State Fair Wether Goats and Ham Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion exhibitors have been announced.

Ty Murphy, of Houstonia, is the exhibitor of the 2022 Grand Champion Wether Goats at the Missouri State Fair. Murphy is a member of the Kennedy 4-H club. His prize-winning wether goat weighed 85 pounds.

The Reserve Grand Champion honor went to Rylee Anderson, of Chillicothe. Anderson is a member of the Chillicothe FFA Chapter. Her goat weighed 88 pound.

The exhibitor of the 2022 Grand Champion Market Ham at the Missouri State Fair is Carsyn Petree, of Tipton. She is a member of the Tipton 4-H club. Petree’s prize-winning ham weighed 19.91 pounds.

The Reserve Grand Champion Market Ham honor went to Carter Petree, of Tipton. He is a member of the Tipton FFA Chapter and his ham weighed 20.71 pounds.

Murphy, Anderson, Carsyn Petree, and Carter Petree are scheduled to sell their wether goats and market hams in four of 16 lots offered in the Missouri State Fair Sale of Champions on Saturday, August 20. Proceeds from the annual sale benefit both the winning exhibitors and the Missouri State Fair Youth in Agriculture (YIA) Scholarship Program, administered by the Missouri State Fair Foundation.

Many livestock exhibitors will work toward earning a place in the ring at the time-honored Sale of Champions Auction. Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Steers, Barrows, Lambs, Meat Goats, Pens of Chickens and Pens of Rabbits will be featured in the auction, along with the Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Hams and Bacon. The Sale will be held at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, August 20, in the Lowell Mohler Assembly Hall. The entire auction will be broadcast live on kmmo.com.