Saturday 15th February 2025

F/S = For Sale / ISO = In Search Of

F/S: Electric Bow Press, Large pieces of professional Artificial turf, twelve 150 foot roll of 12″ wide flate field drain. 660-221-9410

F/S: Hydraulic wood splitter works off of a tractor. 660-620-5782

F/S: 1999 Ford F150 Ext. cab 4×4 pick up. good body good interior. 660-473-3712

F/S: Pfaltzgraff Stoneware 60 pieces Yorktown pattern. 660-660-631-5016

F/S: Craftsman Bench drill press, Bench grinder on a pole, 5×8 Utility trailer. 660-200-6522

F/S: 10 inch Table saw, Several turkey calls. 660-631-1575

F/S: 6.5 caliber Creedmor rifle, Mossberg 410 shotgun, 1500 rounds .22 ammo. 660-815-7718