Tuesday 21st May 2024

UPDATED AT 8:15 A.M. 6/5/19
Although the Missouri River and other rivers in the area have receded a bit, there are a number of road closures still being reported in the KMMO listening area.
Closures remain in Saline, Carroll, Chariton, Cooper, Howard and Lafayette Counties.
According to MODOT’s Traveler Information map, closures in Saline County include Highway 240 west of Glasgow; in Carroll County include Highway 65, between Carrollton and Waverly, Highway 10, between Carrollton and Norborne, and Highway 41, north of Miami to Highway 24; in Chariton County include Highway 24, from just west of De Witt to Brunswick; in Howard County- portions of Highways 40 and 87; and Lafayette County- Highway 224, between Lexington and Wellington.
For the most up-to-date information, visit MoDOT’s Traveler Information map at modot.org.