Friday 19th April 2024

Prolonged or intense exposure to hot temperatures can cause heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Saline County Health Department Nurse Elizabeth Frerking says these are two of the most serious heat related illnesses. She says heat exhaustion is exposure to excessive heat that can directly or indirectly cause some illnesses and can intensify pre-existing conditions such as heart and respiratory disease.

Frerking says heat stroke is more serious than heat exhaustion and heat exhaustion can lead quickly into heat stroke.

She said the people with the greatest risk for heat related illnesses include; infants and children up to four years old, people 65-years and older, people who are overweight, and people who have pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. Frerking says it is important to remember that young healthy people can also suffer from these heat related illnesses, especially if they are participating in strenuous activity or exercise during hot weather.
Those who work in hot or humid environments — such as manufacturing plants, bakeries, or construction sites during summer months — are also at high risk. However, even long, hot afternoons at the beach can pose problems if warning signs are ignored.
By reducing excessive exposure to high temperatures and taking other precautionary steps, most heat-related illnesses can be avoided.