Monday 6th May 2024


Missouri State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick held a conference call with Missouri’s county government leaders to ensure county health departments have adequate funding to address the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a news release, the Treasurer provided an optional Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to alleviate some local government concerns regarding dispersing funds to their local public health agencies (LPHA). The Office of Administration also discussed CARES Act Funds reporting guidelines and procedures.

Treasurer Fitzpatrick worked with the Governor’s Office, the Office of Administration and the Department of Health and Senior Services to develop an MOU that protects a signing county from being held liable for CARES Act money distributed to an LPHA if the county transfers the lesser of 15 percent of the county’s total distribution from the state or the actual request of funds by the LPHA. The call walked through this MOU in detail.

Earlier this year, the legislature passed an emergency spending bill directing 25 percent of funds received by the state from the Coronavirus Relief Fund created in the CARES Act be distributed to Missouri counties based on population within 10 days of receipt.