Thursday 2nd May 2024


Due to a 10-day cold snap, the average high temperature finished up below the freezing mark during the month of February at the KMMO studio in Marshall.

According to statistics from the National Weather Service, high temperatures were in single digits or below zero on six of the 10 days from February 8-17, dragging down the average high temperature to 28.9 degrees for the 28-day month. In fact, the high temperature was minus-1 on February 16. The high for the month was 65 degrees on February 24.

The average low dipped to 13.4 degrees, which included five nights when the mercury dropped below zero. The low of minus-10 degrees was registered on February 16 and 17.

Just over a half-inch of measurable precipitation was recorded during the month. Of the 54-hundredths of an inch, a quarter of an inch fell on February 5.