Sunday 28th April 2024


Some substitute teachers in an area school district will be paid more next school year.

According to unofficial minutes from the Glasgow School Board meeting on Wednesday, April 14, the board approved an increase of pay to $80 per day for individuals with substitute teacher certification. In an effort to encourage retired and/or current certified teachers to substitute, the board voted to increase substitute pay for these individuals to $100 per day.

The board also approved a motion to increase the amount contributed each month toward employee health insurance from $476 to $534. The last time the district increased the contribution was 2019.

In other news, the board approved the purchase of a set of bleachers for the visitor seating area at John Donaldson Field. Funds raised from advertising at the field will be used to pay for the new bleachers.

Sworn in for another three-year term on the board were Josh DeMint and Mitch Monnig. Bob Draffen was elected president of the board; DeMint as vice president; Monnig as secretary; and Nikki Gouge as treasurer.