Friday 20th September 2024


A 26-year-old Mexico City man has been sentenced to spend more than a century in the Missouri Department of Corrections.

According to Lafayette County Prosecuting Attorney Kristen Ellis Hilbrenner, Alain Camarillo-Linan was found guilty by a Lafayette County jury of Rape in the First Degree, Rape in the Second Degree, two counts of Sodomy in the First Degree and two counts of Kidnapping in the First Degree following a three-day jury trial.

On July 2, 2021, Camarillo-Linan was sentenced to 25 years for the Rape in the First Degree, seven years for the Rape in the Second Degree, 25 years on each of the Sodomy charges, and 15 years on each of the Kidnapping charges. All of those sentences will run consecutively for a total of 112 years in state prison. Because they are considered “dangerous felonies”, the defendant will have to serve 85 percent of each sentence before he will be eligible for parole.

Charges were filed against Camarillo-Linan and two other individuals after officers from the Higginsville Police Department and Homeland Security were dispatched to the Super 8 Motel in April 2018. When agents and officers made entry into a room at the motel, they located two partially-nude females as well as three males. After further investigation, it was determined Camarillo-Linan was hired to transport the two girls from Arizona to their families in New Jersey. When the group got to Lafayette County, the defendant decided to stop at the Super 8 so he could drink. At some point that night, the defendant determined he was not being paid enough for the trip, and he contacted the girls’ families to demand more money. When the families indicated they didn’t have the thousands of dollars he was demanding, He hit and kicked the girls and threatened to kill them. After numerous phone calls were made, Camarillo-Linan raped and sodomized both girls. The girls were both 20 years old at the time of the offenses.