Saturday 27th July 2024


The Missouri Public Service Commission has approved a filing made by Union Electric Company doing business as Ameren Missouri to adjust the fuel adjustment clause (FAC) charge on the bills of its electric customers.

Ameren Missouri proposed to adjust the FAC to reflect changes in its fuel and purchased power costs, net off-system sales revenues and associated transportation experienced during the four month period of June through September 2022.

For a residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per month, the FAC will increase from approximately $2.70 to approximately $6.27 per month. The change will take effect on Wednesday, February 1, 2023.

Fuel adjustment charges are intended to help companies deal with volatility in fuel pricing. The FAC tariff requires regular adjustments to reflect changes in prices the company has incurred for fuel and for wholesale power purchased to serve customers.

Ameren Missouri provides electric service to customers in Cooper, Howard, Pettis and Saline counties in the KMMO listening area.