Thursday 16th May 2024


The American Red Cross offers advice in keeping all the ghosts and goblins safe this Halloween season.

Red Cross outlines a few safety tips for making the trick or treating experience a safe one.

Trick-or-Treaters should have reflective gear or clothing, flash lights, or glow sticks to help them maintain visibility to any vehicles on the roadways. They recommend to practice pedestrian safety, like always using sidewalks when available, crossing only at cross walks or corners of streets, and if you have to walk the roadways, make sure you are on the edge of roadway facing the oncoming traffic for highest visibility, and never cross between parked cars.

Trick- or-Treaters are also encouraged to use hand sanitizer when visiting numerous homes as well as washing your hands before delving into any treats.

Red Cross also gives the treat givers tips on maintaining proper hand sanitation practices when handing out treats as well as keeping your your sidewalk/steps clear and good lighting for the Halloween go’ers optimal entrance, as well as watching for the little spooksters throughout the entire day as festivities can occur earlier in the evening as well.

Red Cross has a free RED Cross First Aid App you can download for instant access for expert advice in case any frightful mishaps come your way.
The app includes weather alerts, as well as the ability to let others know you are safe in inclement weather.

You can view the app here