Wednesday 22nd January 2025

F/S = For sale / ISO = In search of

ISO: Black & White Female Rat Terrier, Big bird cage, and a broke horse. 660-281-6201

F/S: Savage 243, 3 barn kittens. 660-815-2310

F/S or trade: 2003 33ft. Prowler 5th wheel camper w/ slideouts and new roof. 660-473-3712

ISO: WOOD stock 700 Remington. 660-723-4586

F/S: Stihl Chain Saw model MS180C, Large heavy duty metal chop saw, 3 cowboy style .22 holsters. 660-200-6522

F/S: 3 Military duty belts, 30-06 ammo, Marlin 30-30. 660-815-7718