Tuesday 7th May 2024

Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans’ Hospital received the Veterans Health Administration’s (VHA) Best Experience Award for a Level 1 facility during a virtual ceremony on July 23.
A news release says the award is presented each year to the highest performing Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 medical centers in VHA for excellence in patient experience, employee experience and Veteran trust. In VHA, Level 1 facilities provide the highest level of complex care.
In October 2019, Truman VA also was ranked No. 1 nationally by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for the third consecutive year as a result of the annual “All Employee Survey.”
“One of our priorities is to continuously improve the care we provide our Veterans,” Truman VA’s Veterans Innovation Officer Michelle Pruitt said. “We set smart goals with data. However, we also tailor the services we provide by personally connecting with each Veteran.”
The VHA is made up of 152 medical centers and approximately 1,400 community-based outpatient clinics. Eighty-three of VHA’s medical centers are Level 1 complexity facilities.
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