Tuesday 7th May 2024


You may not get to take a tropical vacation this year, but you can bring the tropics inside your home.

MU Extension says with the right light and temperature, it is possible to keep tropical patio plants indoors for another summer of enjoyment.

Not all plants should be overwintered. If indoor space is limited or available light is poor, the easiest solution is to let large plants freeze. Start over with younger, smaller plants the following spring.

Young plants are still actively growing and likely will make an impact quicker in the landscape than older plants that overwintered in less-than-ideal conditions.

If you opt to overwinter tropical plants, carefully inspect them for insects before moving them indoors. Mites- common pests of outdoor plants- thrive indoors and are hard to see because of their size.

Use a hand lens to check for pale or stippled leaves. Wash plants thoroughly with a mild detergent or spray with a pesticide labeled for use on mites indoors.

Tropical plants suited for moving inside include hibiscus, bougainvillea, mandevilla, banana, palms and citrus.