Monday 17th June 2024


COVID-19 cases spiked by nearly 200 in the past week in Pettis County.

According to minutes from the Pettis County COVID-19 Task Force meeting on Monday, December 20, the Pettis County Health Center reported there have been 8,260 positive cases confirmed in the county since the beginning of the pandemic, as compared to 8,071 on December 13; 7,898 on December 6; and 7,765 on November 29.

The DHSS website is reporting Pettis County has a positivity rate of 11.1 percent for the past seven days, which is a decrease from 14.5 percent for the previous week with PCR testing. The locally-calculated positivity rate for the week of December 8-14 was 12.6 percent.

The groups with the highest number of new cases were 5 to 12-year-olds with 24 and 25-29 with 16. There were 46 individuals birth to 18 with positive cases reported during the time period. So far in December there have been 111 positive cases reported in children 0-18 or 27.07 percent.