Friday 26th April 2024

As more an more information comes to light regarding the COVID-19 coronavirus it would make sense that pet owners want to not only keep themselves healthy but also their pets. One of many questions that might come to mind is, “Are my pets vulnerable to COVID-19?”
Dr. Tom Blumhorst, veterinarian at Blumhorst Veterinary Hospital says your pets are susceptible to coronavirus but not this form.

Blumhorst did say that even though your pet cannot “catch” COVID-19, they can still be a “vehicle” for the virus.

If in fact, someone has tested positive for COVID-19, they will more than likely be quarantined so their pet would be in the home with them meaning, it would be less likely that their dog or cat would be in contact with another person.
Dr. Blumhorst went on to say, at this time, it has not been shown that pets are contracting this COVID-19 from their owners, which implies that pets cannot get it. He said this coronavirus is species specific to humans.
In boarding cases, or doggy daycare situations, it is possible for dogs to “surface transfer” the virus from one dog to another.
He encourages everyone to do their due diligence in helping to prevent the spread of this virus. The elderly and people with compromised immune systems are at the highest risk.