Wednesday 24th April 2024

It’s a good time to clean the yard, garage and basement of those unwanted items. The Neighborhood Cleanup is less than a month away in Marshall.
According to a flyer from the city of Marshall, Southwest (Ward 1) will be on Monday, April 6; Southeast (Ward 2) on Tuesday, April 7; Northeast (Ward 3) on Wednesday, April 8; and Northwest (Ward 4) on Thursday, April 9.
The city sanitation and street departments will pick up a number of items placed curbside on your designated day: household refuse; discarded furniture, etc.; paper recyclables; and vehicle batteries placed separate from the trash.
Some items will not be picked up curbside, including: tires; hazardous materials; appliances; paint; and oil.
For your convenience during this cleanup, the compost area will have extended hours from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, April 6-Friday, April 10; and from 7 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 11.
Yard vegetation, grass clippings and leaf pickup will continue on its regular schedule. Residents are reminded to keep the brush separate from grass.
Call (660) 886-3945 for more information.