Sunday 12th May 2024

An expert is wanting to help out people who are at home instead of work during the coronavirus crisis.
According to a recent Reuters report, about 101 million residents are being asked to stay at home. With schools shifting to online classes, bars and restaurants closing to patrons and most people working from home, Americans are spending more time at home than ever before.
So, what are they doing with their time?
Here are six stay-at-home activities to consider before Netflix or snacking get old from Rebecca Gramuglia, Consumer Expert at
· Organize. Dedicate your new-found time and attention to sorting and organizing your home. Whether it’s a hall closet, bookshelf or makeup drawer, go through these cluttered areas and organize them. Use your judgment and toss anything that is extremely worn out, falling apart or unusable. For makeup, go through the products and toss whatever is old and expired.
· Start a blog. Now is the time to let your creative juices flow and let your voice be heard. Whether it’s fashion, beauty, travel, fitness, cooking or something else, a blog may be a great creative outlet for you to show off your passions and skills. Be yourself and the following will come.
· Learn something new. Looking to refresh your skills or want to simply learn something new like French, sewing or even playing the piano? Well, now is the perfect time to finally get around to it. Make the most of your time at home and check out free resources online. Youtube is a great place to turn to for free tutorials and lessons.
· Stay inside and shop online. Don’t worry about running out of essentials. Keep your social distance and shop directly from the comforts of your own home.
· Have a stargazing night. The skies haven’t been this clear in a very long time, so take advantage of it. Grab a blanket and a telescope (or binoculars) to explore the endless possibilities the night sky holds. It’s rewarding, educational and an inexpensive activity you can do from your own backyard or bedroom window. Bonus points if you build a blanket fort and roast marshmallows.
· Try new recipes. Whether you use cookbooks, online recipes or follow chefs on social media, test out a recipe you’ve recently been eyeing. Now is the time to perfect it and when life returns to normal, invite friends and family over to show off the yummy dishes you’ve mastered.