Thursday 2nd May 2024


Governor Mike Parson has announced that Missouri has submitted its plan for administering the impending COVID-19 vaccine to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

A press release says Governor Parson was joined by Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) Director Dr. Randall Williams during a weekly briefing to announce the completion of the plan, which was due to the CDC by October 16.

“In the midst of an ever-changing and unprecedented situation, our team of professionals has done outstanding work to develop a detailed plan,” Governor Parson said. “We are in a great place in the planning process and will be well-prepared to take action as soon as a vaccine becomes available.”

Missouri’s planning efforts are based upon CDC guidance to anticipate a phased availability of vaccines within the state. Recognizing the likelihood of limited availability, Missouri’s plan first focuses the initial doses toward reducing or stopping death and disability by reducing the stress on healthcare systems caring for affected patients.

The state plans to collaborate with healthcare systems and pharmacy and community partners to vaccinate longterm-care facility staff and other healthcare workers.

As vaccine availability expands, vaccination efforts will be aimed at residents most at risk, the elderly and those with medical conditions placing them at high risk for poor outcomes.

Simultaneously, efforts will be made to reach essential workers in schools and critical businesses. As availability continues to increase, the plan’s final phase will help ensure every Missourian who wants a vaccination is able to obtain one.

A unique aspect of Missouri’s COVID-19 vaccination plan is recognition of the primacy of local communities and the state’s role to assist them in their efforts.

While a state implementation team is responsible for coordinating with federal agencies, this plan empowers local and regional implementation teams with additional financial and technical support from the state to convene community leaders, citizen advocates, and local health care providers who know the most about their communities.

Missouri’s plan builds on the existing network of immunizing providers across Missouri, augmenting their efforts in areas of provider shortages.

Preparations and scenario exercises are actively continuing while awaiting an approved vaccine. As part of Operation Warp Speed, federal agencies will announce when a COVID-19 vaccine is approved.

To view Missouri’s COVID-19 vaccine plan, click here. To learn more about Missouri’s COVID-19 response, visit