Tuesday 30th April 2024


Some action items were approved during the most-recent meeting of the Glasgow school board.

According to unofficial minutes from the meeting, the board approved the annual milk and bread bids to Prairie Farms and Springfield Grocer, respectively.

The board also approved school breakfast and lunch prices. This year, the district will once again be allowed to participate in the Seamless Summer Option Meal Program that will provide free breakfasts and lunches for all students in the district. Since the district is able to participate in the SSO Program, it is asking DESE to grant the district an exemption from paid lunch-equity requirements. This will allow the district to maintain its lunch prices at the same rate as the 2020-21 school year. Proposed lunch prices for the upcoming school year are: student breakfast $1.60; student lunch $2.25; adult breakfast $1.85; adult lunch $2.90; and extra milk and juice $.35 each.

The district says it is imperative that all families still complete the annual free/reduced-lunch application in the back-to-school packet to ensure that these types of programs remain available to the district.

In other news, the board approved a grant awarded to the business classroom for the purchase of a new Smart TV, as well as licensing upgrades for some software programs used in the classroom. This is a 50/50 grant, which means the district will only pay for half of the purchase amount of these items. The district is hopeful it will also receive the same grant for the Ag program in August.

The board reviewed the co-curricular and extracurricular program; approved the proposed salary schedule; and approved the early payment of the first and last facilities loan. The first payment is due in March 2022, and the last is due in March 2025. The early payment will save interest due on this loan and benefit the district by establishing an early payoff.

The board also reviewed the district’s mission statement, with no changes made. And the board also accepted the resignation of Kaitlyn McMillan from the food-service department; and offered employment to Sheryl Campbell to fill the vacated position.